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What is Ethereum & why is it so popular?

By Markets Insider Just when you thought you had your head around bitcoin, along comes Ethereum. The word has been in a lot of headlines as the cryptocurrency world's new favorite thing soared in value. The ethereum price of something called an ether token grew in value up over 3,000% from 2016 - 2017.

How much money did Ethereum raise in ICO?

The project team managed to raise $18.3 million in Bitcoin, and Ethereum’s price in the Initial Coin Offering (ICO) was $0.311, with over 60 million Ether sold. Taking Ethereum’s price now, this puts the return on investment (ROI) at an annualized rate of over 270%, essentially almost quadrupling your investment every year since the summer of 2014.

How many DApps are there on Ethereum?

Today, there are over 2,800 dApps deployed on the Ethereum blockchain, ranging from video games to social media platforms. That makes Ethereum the largest dApp ecosystem by a long shot. And with $170 billion currently locked in Ethereum DeFi products, it's also the most popular DeFi ecosystem. Why does that matter?

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